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Healthy Food Recipes

Immunity shot bottles laying on a green napkin.

Easy Homemade Immunity Shot Recipe w/Ginger & Turmeric (No Juicer Required)

It’s that time of year when the immune system is on overdrive from the holidays, we’re not getting enough sun and bugs and viruses seem to be a constant threat. I don’t know about you but I ain’t got time to get sick. That’s why I’ve started adding an immune booster shot to my daily routine. It’s full of vitamin… Read More »Easy Homemade Immunity Shot Recipe w/Ginger & Turmeric (No Juicer Required)

Overhead view of a pink sleep girl mocktail on a napkin.

The Viral Sleepy Girl Mocktail Recipe-My Wine Alternative

Have you heard of the viral TikTok Sleepy Girl Mocktail? I’m obsessed and it’s my new favorite part of my nighttime routine. I can’t wait to tell you all the health benefits that come with this yummy drink! If you’re like me and tired of how that glass of wine affects your health and hoping to find a healthier way… Read More »The Viral Sleepy Girl Mocktail Recipe-My Wine Alternative

Bird's Eye view of a mason jar with a straw filled with ice and apple cider vinegar.

Apple Cider Vinegar Daily Detox Drink Recipe

If you’re looking for an easy daily habit that will encourage detox, balance blood sugar, increase energy, improve digestion and support healthy immune function, look no further! The health benefits of apple cider vinegar are vast! I’ve got the perfect apple cider vinegar daily detox drink recipe you’re going to love! It’s tart, sweet and refreshing. This delicious drink is… Read More »Apple Cider Vinegar Daily Detox Drink Recipe

Homemade Electrolyte Drink in flip top bottle with an orange and lemon next to it.

Homemade Electrolyte Drink Recipe that is Kid Friendly!

Getting sick is no fun but add in dehydration from fevers, sore throats and all that comes along with stomach bugs and you’re even more miserable. Making a quick and easy homemade electrolyte drink will not only replenish hydration naturally, you’ll feel much better as well! Plus, if you’re lucky enough to be someone who sweats a lot (skin is… Read More »Homemade Electrolyte Drink Recipe that is Kid Friendly!

Healthy pumpkin Spice Latte

Healthy Pumpkin Spice Latte

I’m shameless in the fall when it comes pumpkin spice. I have countless posts based around pumpkins, I burn highly toxic pumpkin candles for the months September and October (shameful, I know) and indulge in eating pumpkin spice anything as often as possible. Sometimes you have to indulge in the joys of life whether they are healthy or not. However, thanks… Read More »Healthy Pumpkin Spice Latte