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Makeup Tutorials, DIYs & Product Reviews

Get loads of makeup DIYs, reviews and tutorials that will get you on the right track to a natural beauty routine!

A collage of clean drugstore beauty

The Best Clean Drugstore Makeup Brands (EWG score of 3 and below)

If you are looking to clean up your makeup products but would like to stick to the convenience and affordability of finding makeup at your local drugstore, I’ve got you covered! After finding natural beauty brands and products in stores like Target and Walmart, I bought them and used them. I’m sharing the best products that I’ll definitely repurchase with… Read More »The Best Clean Drugstore Makeup Brands (EWG score of 3 and below)

Collage of woman wearing Kosas makeup and products

Kosas Review-The Best Kosas Products You’ll Want to Try

Kosas Cosmetics is a makeup company that has been on my radar for a long time. I had heard Kosas makeup contained only clean ingredients that actually improved skin and was comfortable to wear. I decided to dive in with their most popular products to find out if they are comparable to my other natural favorites like 100 Percent Pure and Hynt Beauty. Read my… Read More »Kosas Review-The Best Kosas Products You’ll Want to Try

DIY Makeup Brush Cleanser

How to Clean Makeup Brushes + My DIY Makeup Brush Cleaner

I know you know you should clean your makeup brushes on a regular basis.  I’ll spare you the first rule of makeup 101, but I’m here to make it easier! I’ve come up with a DIY Makeup Brush Cleaner that will make cleaning your brushes, quick, easy and thorough. With this recipe, you won’t believe what you’ll get out of… Read More »How to Clean Makeup Brushes + My DIY Makeup Brush Cleaner

Wet spray bottle on a red small tray.

Easy & Natural DIY Makeup Setting Spray Recipe!

Are you tired of your makeup not staying put during the day? Are you fed up with spending tons of money on gimmicky beauty products that are full of harmful ingredients? Making your own diy makeup setting spray is incredibly easy. DIY natural setting sprays contain easy to find, skin loving ingredients that not only keep your makeup in place,… Read More »Easy & Natural DIY Makeup Setting Spray Recipe!

Brow Post Round Up

Brow Post Round Up!

I  believe a well shaped brow can make all the difference in someone’s appearance. Honestly, brows can make or break you. Before you opt for that eye lift, get your brows in check first. Since I used to shape other women’s brows for a living, I’ve personally seen women walk out of a waxing appointment looking years younger for under… Read More »Brow Post Round Up!

Lily Lolo Makeup Review

Lily Lolo Makeup Review

Today, I’m sharing with you all my thoughts and experience in this Lily Lolo makeup review. I’ve been wanting to try out this makeup line for a while and now that I’ve worn it excluselivey for several weeks, I’m equipped to give you an honest review as well as suggestions on which colors and products work best! Natural makeup can… Read More »Lily Lolo Makeup Review