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Peak 8 Fitness

Peak 8 fitness…..

Exercise…..I have a love hate relationship with it.  I’ve maintained my weight since I was around 16 by doing some sort of cardio for 30 minutes 3x a week.  If I stopped my routine, it didn’t take long for me to gain that 10lbs I had been keeping at bay.  When I had my first baby I continued my routine… Read More »Peak 8 fitness…..

DIY Apple Cider Vinegar Toner

Apple Cider Vinegar Toner-Benefits & How to Make!

A toner is a very important part of your skin care regimen. Toners help your skin retain moisture, maintain and/or restore pH balance and can remove any dirt or makeup left behind after cleansing. Apple cider vinegar is actually an incredible ingredient that can be used as a toner! You won’t believe the amazing benefits so today let me teach you how to… Read More »Apple Cider Vinegar Toner-Benefits & How to Make!

My Suggested Supplements for Young Kids

My suggested supplements for young children….

Supplements are just for adults!  Our kids need extra nutrition sometimes more then we do.  They are constantly being exposed to germs and their bodies aren’t as mature when it comes to fighting off illness.  A healthy supplement routine is vital for the health of our kiddos! I have two really healthy girls.  I contribute this to several things. Number… Read More »My suggested supplements for young children….

DIY Neosporin

Homemade Neosporin-A Healing Salve You Can Feel Good About!

Today is a good day to make a Homemade Neosporin!!  I don’t know about your kids, but my kids have boo boos constantly!  I’m not even sure how they get half of them (they probably get them while I’m working on this blog!).  As usual, Neosporin, an old staple everyone has always used has harmful ingredients.  The main thing with… Read More »Homemade Neosporin-A Healing Salve You Can Feel Good About!

DIY Hair Pomade

DIY Hair Pomade

  Like I’ve said before, I’m on a mission to make all my family’s cleaning and beauty products.  I’m doing one product at a time and a friend introduced me to a recipe for DIY hair pomade by blogger Mommypotamus.  I must say, I LOVE this recipe.  Who knew I could save so much money and eliminate toxins by making… Read More »DIY Hair Pomade