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New & Updated Recipe Directory to Find Recipes Easily!

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DIY Skin Care Directory

I’m in year 7 of blogging which translates, I’ve got a lot of recipe posts to sort through! I know it can be hard finding what you’re looking for. I spent last week updating and organizing my recipe list and thought I’d share a quick post on how you can find what you need a bit more efficiently. 

How to find a Complete List of Recipes:

Under recipes in my tab bar you will find a drop down menu with a list of all my recipes and their links. In the future, I would like to revamp this feature and add pictures of each DIY product but for now titles and links will have to do.  You’ll find that under my SKIN CARE tab, I have divided the recipes up by product. You can easily find cleanser, toners, moisturizers, masks etc. 

How to Search on the Blog:

There are 2 search options on my blog. I will say, my search is picky. Spelling counts and I find if you’re not 100% sure of the recipe title, less words are better. Also, the search results are going to give you the newest post first so keep scrolling if it’s an older post. 

Jenni Raincloud is one of my biggest blessings. While the popularity of blogs has greatly decreased I still hope for the day they will make a comeback. “Blogging” on a platform like Instagram is the new way and to be honest-I’m having trouble keeping up with the times. While I try to evolve, I’m still going to make this blog as efficient and helpful as possible. 

I hope you’ll find this post helpful! If you have any suggestions on how I can make this blog more user friendly, I’m all ears! Just comment below! Also, I would love to know what you think-How do you prefer your blog posts? Instagram, email or a post on a blog?

xx, Jenni



DIY Skin Care Recipes


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Jennifer Phillips

Jennifer Phillips

Jennifer Phillips worked as a licensed aesthetician for over 8 years before creating the green beauty blog, Jenni Raincloud and her natural skin care line, J. Raincloud Organics. Jennifer has been blogging full time for 9 years and loves to gain and share knowledge on how to achieve beautiful skin the natural way.

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