Today is for all you pregnant mommas out there, plus those of you dealing with stretch marks now that baby is here! I’ve got a Homemade stretch mark cream/belly butter that will not only prevent stretch marks and scars, it will also help fade existing ones!
This recipe is potent. While scars and stretch marks are, in most cases badges of honor, they can be unsightly. Stretch marks and scars can be very hard to get rid of. With rejuvenating oils mixed with essential oils you can greatly improve and diminish their appearance as well as prevent new ones from appearing!
Ok, I’ve been pregnant twice. I know what it feels like to have your skin stretch and stretch and stretch! I’m willing to admit that I’m vain. I had many moments where worry and fear took over. It seemed at times that my skin was going to just rip. Not to mention the itchy discomfort. I faithfully used a body butter to relieve the discomfort and to reduce the risk of stretch marks and this helped to ease my mind significantly.
Oh how I wish I had been a DIYer during both of my pregnancies and could’ve made something instead of using over the counter products. My first pregnancy I used good ole’ Palmer’s Cocoa Butter and my second pregnancy I used Earth Mama Angel Baby’s Stretch Mark Oil. However, I do believe we can make our own homemade stretch mark cream that will be every bit as effective (if not more) and all the ingredients you need for this DIY belly butter can be used in many other fun, homemade products!
I believe 100% that you must protect and “feed” your skin during this precious and trying time! Itchy skin caused from a growing belly needs to be hydrated and protected at least once daily. The ingredients I’ve chosen are safe and beneficial for you and your growing baby.
More Baby/Momma Recipes:
- DIY Baby Powder
- DIY Baby Oil
- DIY Baby Lotion
- Homemade Diaper Rash Cream
- Homemade Diaper Rash Spray
- Homemade Vaseline
What is a Stretch Mark??
Stretch Marks form when the skin is stretched very quickly. Stretch marks are most common in growing teenagers and pregnant women. Basically when the skin stretches it begins to rip and forms a scar.
The skin consists of three main layers: Epidermis (the outer layer), Dermis (the middle layer) and Subcutaneous or Hypodermic (the deepest layer). Stretch marks form in the dermis of the skin when the connective tissue is stretched.
As skin stretches, the collagen is damaged and production slows down. This results in fine scars under the the skin. At first the marks look pink or red, but over time a thin, silvery line appears on the skin’s surface.
The thing about stretch marks is that you can reduce the risk of getting them by keeping the skin well hydrated and nourished but heredity plays a big roll. If your mom has stretch marks from pregnancy you most likely will too. The good news is that you can easily relieve your skin from the discomfort of stretching and at the same time you can fade and hopefully prevent stretch marks!
Treating stretch marks as soon as you get them is more effective than treating older ones, according to this 2017 review. That’s why using a belly oil or butter/cream during and after pregnancy can be so effective.
Stretch Mark Cream Ingredients:
Neroli Essential Oil is a powerful oil that helps reduce the appearance of stretch marks and scars, it is cicatrisant which means it has anti scarring properties! Neroli oil also stimulates circulation and encourages cell regeneration! However, it is very expensive and if you’re on a budget-don’t worry about omitting it.
Helichrysum Essential Oil is a must when it comes to regenerating damaged skin. It is known for fading and healing scars and stretch marks and even surgical wounds (C-sections scars!). It contains diketones which help reduce scar tissue and stimulate growth of new skin tissue! This is one powerful essential oil! This is an oil I would not omit.
Lavender Essential Oil is healing and calming. It also nourishes broken, cracked skin.
Lemon Essential Oil can lighten the appearance of scars and stretch marks.
Vitamin E Oil is moisturizing and highly nourishing. It also prolongs the life of your butter.
Sweet Almond Oil contains vitamins A and E. It contains a large amount of antioxidants which help skin appear younger. Plus, I love that it is said to be similar to the oil found in a newborn’s skin. I wish I could find that article again so I could link it for you.
Coconut Oil is extremely healing. It is full of antioxidants and Vitamin E.
Cocoa Butter is famous for protecting the skin from stretch marks. It is highly nourishing and penetrates to the lower epidermis of the skin.
Shea Butter helps rebuild collagen which is broken down when the skin ages or becomes damaged.
Beeswax thickens your butter as well as provides a protective barrier that holds moisture in the skin.

Homemade Stretch Mark Cream Recipe
- 2 TBSP. Sweet Almond Oil (find it HERE)
- 2 TBSP. Coconut Oil (find it HERE)
- 2 TBSP. Shea Butter (find it HERE)
- 2 TBSP. Cocoa Butter (find it HERE)
- 1.5 TBSP. Beeswax (find it HERE)
- 3 tsp. Vitamin E oil (find it HERE)
- 20 drops Neroli Essential Oil (find it HERE) *optional*
- 15 drops Helichrysum Essential Oil (find it HERE)
- 15 drops Lavender Essential Oil (find it HERE)
- 10 drops Lemon Essential Oil (find it HERE)
- In a medium pot, fill halfway with water.
- Place a glass bowl with a spout in the water
- Melt Almond oil, butters and wax.
- Once all ingredients are melted, pour into a 4 ounce container.
- Let harden completely
- Take a spoon and stir your butter into a creamy texture
- Add Essential oils and Vitamin E oil
*By adding the essential oils after your butter has cooled, you are ensuring that the potency of the oils won’t be damaged by heat.*
If you’re interested in using essential oils during your pregnancy, I have a full post on which essential oils are safe and unsafe for pregnancy.
How to Use DIY Stretch Mark Cream:
Apply this butter at least once a day. This butter (hence the name, butter) is VERY OILY! I would let it soak in for at least 15 minutes before putting clothes over it. Massaging the oil nightly can encourage blood flow which is always good for healthy skin. Where there is good blood flow, there is healthy skin.
Be aware that once you have given birth the skin will go through more stress adjusting to the sudden change. Don’t stop applying the butter until your tummy has adjusted! I’ve heard of women getting to the birth with no stretch marks and then getting them after their baby was born!!
This stretch mark cream recipe is also perfect for healing a c-section scar. You will soothe the damaged skin as well as accelerate healing!!
As an added bonus, the essential oils Neroli, Lavender and Lemon are very uplifting. I struggle with depression when I’m pregnant and I believe essential oils helped me immensely! Feel free to add in Frankincense essential oil(10 drops) as well-Frankincense is extremely helpful in combating depression!
One more tip-You must check out my post on 3rd Trimester Tea. This tea is by Earth Mama Angel Baby and is basically a red raspberry leaf tea that helps strengthen your uterus, preparing it for birth. I love this tea still and I will say, I drank it all through out my 3rd trimester with my second baby and my labor was 1 hour long.
xx, Jenni
P.S. If you’d like to make a DIY Belly Oil for stretch marks that does not require heat and is as easy as adding ingredients to a pump bottle, you might like my new Stretch Mark Oil recipe. It is excellent for using as a body oil after you’ve given birth.
Pingback: Stretch Mark Serum Recipe | Primally Inspired
I’m so glad I saw this. I was buying this expensive body butter with a several of the same ingredients however none of the essential oils were not in this butter and it was $45 a bottle more if you had the formula with added Vit E to the the blend. This makes it easier to have it at home and make it yourself. I’m just about at the point where I’m really thinking of making all of my personal care products. Do you have have a good eye cream recipe for firming and moisturizing, lol 🙂
TeaJae-I’m glad you like the recipe! It’s easy to make! I do actually have a few eye cream recipes!
thank you so much, I’m a new subbie to your blog loving what I see so far 🙂
Hi Jenni
i am bit confused on the preparation.should I pour the melted almond oil,butters and wax mixture in the water which you initially mentioned?or if in a separate bowl?Please clarify.
And thanks for the recipe.
Pooja-Hi! No, the water is only for heating what you put in the glass bowl. It helps to heat your oils up in a gentler way. All your oil and butters should go in the glass bowl-once everything is melted, then you can pour it into your container of choice. Does this make more sense?
Hi jenni,
This looks like an amazing recipe. I am wanting to use it however wanted to ask you if I can use this when pregnant or do I start after delivery? I ask this question cos they usually say to exercise precaution while using essential oils in pregnancy.
Appreciate the advice. Thanks
Anu, I intended this recipe to be used mainly during pregnancy. I am very liberal with essential oils. I used an essential oil blend right on my tummy every night while pregnant. I felt it was a good thing for me and my baby. If you don’t feel comfortable you could omit the essential oils. The other ingredients are so nourishing that they will help keep your expanding belly well nourished! You have to be careful during the first trimester and I refrained from oils during those months but once I was out of that time I really started slathering them on my belly! I get depressed while pregnant due to hormones and I felt like they lifted my mood significantly. Hope that helps!
This pretty much answered my question; although I’m only concerned because I’m on a budget and I wanted to find a make-at-home belly butter that actually does work. Which ingredients are truly necessary in aiding the diminishing of the marks?
I’ve heard that essential oils do help when mixed with everything else, but if this recipe is effective enough without most of them, it would definitely help on the financial end of things. Thanks!
Emily-Unfortunately I’m not exactly sure. Stretch marks will fade over time and applying a balm on a regular basis will speed this process up. However, I have heard that helichrysum is the best essential oil for actually fading and diminishing them. I didn’t get stretch marks with my pregnancies so I just can’t say. I used this recipe to keep my skin nourished in hopes of avoiding them. I added the helichrysum due to all the research I read at how great it was for stretch marks. Hope this helps. I think if I were you, I would buy 2 products-rosehip seed oil and helichrysum essential oil and religiously apply to your stretch marks. These are the 2 most effect ingredients. Hope this helps!!
Hi! Would you consider making the cream and selling it on your etsy site?
Angela, Unfortunately I have to keep Etsy at a minimum. I have to prioritize blogging, etsy and family and etsy loses! In the future I might end up selling it but as of now I’m at the limit for products in the Etsy shop. Thanks so much for your interest!
where do you get these oils?
What is your easy site incase you do sell it now?
I am a married 29 year old expecting our first and I am all but 86 pounds, stretch marks are bound to happen on my body, but I would like this to help!
Hi Tara! All my ingredients are links to exactly what I use to make my products. Just click on each ingredient for more info.! My Etsy shop is HERE. I sale a very limited product range and don’t offer this one. I do however offer a stretch mark oil/spray. It is not listed right now because I’ve sold out. I will be re-listing withing a couple of days though!
Ok. Let me know when it’s available. Thanks
I love the guide of all the different oils to use, this is definitely a well thought out list. It is important to make sure the skin is moisturizing during drastic weight changes because the skin needs to be elastic to bend with the body instead of tear and create stretch marks.
Thanks Samantha!
When my wife was expecting our first child, she was very nervous about stretch marks. We started late having children (Im 34) and she was afraid that her body body would not bounce back. She started using the Lady Soma Stretch Mark Treatment in in her first month of pregnancy. I would look for stretch marks on a daily basis and did not see any! I couldn’t believe it. She continued to use it through her entire pregnancy and even after the first month of delivery. It wasn’t until she had lost the baby weight that I was 100% convinced that she was stretch mark free! I was overjoyed.
I firmly stand by it and I think if you use if everyday, you will have great results.
Thanks for sharing! It looks like this homemade recipe might be a great cheaper alternative to that. According to their website it “Prevents stretch marks using the organic ingredients of shea butter, coconut oil, aloe vera and beeswax.” All of those ingredients, excluding aloe vera are in this recipe. 🙂
Hi Jenni!
I’m just wondering if I could use this home-made body butter after giving birth or do you have a different recipe for that?
-Jade Robbins
Hi Jade-Yes you can! I would for sure suggest using it after pregnancy because you can easily get stretch marks even after baby is out!
Great Idea! I love natural remedies, you don’t need to buy products that are too expensive. It will benefits all mom out there that has a problem about their stretchmarks. Do think men can use this also? It’s really an amazing and informative article regarding stretchmarks.I appreciate your post because you have mentioned some important tips. Keep posting!
This may be a stupid question, but where do you find your little 4oz jars with the lids like you have pictured? I’ve been looking around but can’t seem to find any other than the jelly/jam canning jars with the separated lids.
Sarah-I found mine at Hobby Lobby. I think I’ve seen them on amazon though-not sure what you would call them! Maybe “jar with hinged lid”? Good luck!
Also found Helichrysum a bit cheaper here:
I made this today and after I mixed it up it was still kind lumpy? What am I doing wrong there? Any tips on how to get the chunks out?
Sarah-There is no trick unfortunately-You just have to keep working on it. Because it smooths and melts as soon as you apply it, I wouldn’t worry to much about the lumps. Thanks!
Great product! Looks great and promising and 100% natural. Thank you for posting this. – John
Hi Jenni! Thanks for posting these recipes. How do you store the remaining ingredients after making a batch?
I store them in a jar and keep them in a dark cabinet. Sometimes I will store in the fridge but it’s really not necessary. Thanks!!
you have two different recipes for Anti-Stretchmark Belly Cream. This one and another with fewer ingredients. Do they have different purposes or is one better/stronger than the other?
Sarah-Both recipes are wonderful for hydrating the belly and keeping stretching skin from experiencing too much stress. Both recipes contain ingredients that are known to reduce the appearance of stretch marks as well as prevent them. Everyone’s skin is different so it’s hard to know which one your skin will respond to. I would chose which one to make on your consistency preference. I personally prefer a spray because it’s just easier and less messy!
Hi Jenni,
I am so happy to run into your site and all the life saving info in it. I would love to try out this Recipe or the stretch mark serum but i have a hard time finding some of the oils in the country i live in, which is Egypt. Helichrysum and rosehip for e.g are not available here, believe it or not! I’d love to place an order online but customs here rip u off and u end up with weeks of work to release stuff from the courier. However i am lucky to have a bunch of other goodies stocked up like geranium, frankincense, neroli, patchouli etc. Can i substitute any of the oils without it loosing its efficieny? Can i also add any other to kick it up a notch? Ive been googling this stuff for months and feel like u are the only reliable person i can ask at this point.
Very thankful for your input.
Hi Maria! You know, rosehip is really so good for fading existing stretch marks but if you are really trying to prevent them any oil will work. Sweet Almond Oil would be my first choice but you could always use coconut or olive oil. Your essential oils are awesome for this recipe! Neroli is great for stretchmarks and geranium will help kind of like the rosehip would. Frankincense is just good with everything! The best advice I can give is to be super consistent. I oiled up 2x a day. I was always greasy in the tummy-like things stuck to me! Hope this helps!!
I am using bio oil stretch marks removal cream as per my doctor’s suggestion. Which a good stretch mark treatment cream and do not have any side effects.
To read more about bio oil
Hi Jenni,
Thanks for the amazing natural recipe. I m 4months pregnant with twins (age 34) and want to start using something as a proactive measure to prevent stretch marks. I m a sucker for natural/organic remedies n yours looks very appealing.
Would it be okay to get most of the ingredients from the nearest Whole Foods store or woukd you strictly recommend stickibg to the links u hv provided above? I am trying to save some time by ordering from one place as opposed to several different websites… Please advise.
Hi! Well, unfortunately if you get your essential oils from Whole Foods you won’t be getting as high of a quality. For sure find your oils there and try to stick to organic but I would stick to my links for essential oils. The main thing is to oil up everyday, maybe 2x a day. Even if you find just a Sweet Almond Oil and Whole Foods, grab it and start using it. It will soothe any itchiness you might experience and will help your skin so much! I do have a Belly Spray in my Etsy shop if you are interested!
Pingback: DIY Belly Butter – Natural Stretch Mark Cream | Health & Natural Living
Thanks for the great recipe.
On this link you have a little more information about stretch marks
Hi, I think you should delete putting the frankensence essential oil in. It causes bleeding and happened to me inactive get an emergency csection
Hi Heather, I’m so sorry you had an emergency c-section-I hope all is well now. As far as frankincense causing the c-section, I’m not sure how that could be possible. Frankincense is a common oil used in pregnancy and if there is any contradictory info. it is because there is not enough known to prove that it is ok. Also, if you added it to the butter, it would have been way too diluted to cause any birth complications. That being said, every body is different and is effected differently. I used undiluted frankincense all through out my pregnancies with no issues. There are just so many factors that go into c-sections. Anyway-if you would like to share more I would love to hear more. Again-so sorry for your experience!
I’m into natural things, but I’m also into products that work. I used to have stretch marks from my pregnancy (9 months ago) with my son. So using a good organic stretch mark cream is important for me. The best one I found is the Somaluxe Stretch Mark Cream. I found that this does HELP reduce the appearance of them – which is something any mom can appreciate! It took only about a week of regular use of the cream to begin noticing results. I used it every night after my shower. I had no allergic reactions or break outs.
Thanks for this great recipe. I am 37.5 weeks pregnant and made this a few weeks ago, I’ve been using it since and am happy to say I have yet to get a stretch mark! In fact, I loved this recipe so much that I shared my experience with it (with a link to your blog) on my blog.
– Leah
Leah-That’s awesome! Good luck with everything-you’re almost there! Be sure to use it once baby is here too-I’ve heard you not out of the woods once you give birth because the weight loss for your skin can be so dramatic that that can cause stretch marks! Stay greasy!!
I really like the look of your recipe and I have a question…you mention helichrysum oil as being important to rejuvenating skin and fading scars. Unfortunately, I have stretch marks already so this is about fading them as much as possible while preventing more and I’m wondering if it is essential to have the helichrysum oil to do that. Would it still help to fade them without it? Its just that it is very expensive and I don’t want to get it unless it is truly essential to getting results. Thanks-
Meagan-I know what you mean-it is so expensive. I don’t personally know if it works but have heard countless testimonies of women having great results. I would personally save up for it and add it. I do think that the butter will reduce the appearance without helichrysum oil but you would most likely get faster and better results with it. Hope this helps!
Pingback: First Time Pregnancy Must Haves | The Wetherills Say I Do
Hi Jenni!
I’m wondering if you have a recommendation for us Canadians, in terms of where to purchase ingredients? I’ve looked at Young Living for essential oils; however, they’re pretty costly, and I don’t have another source to use for price comparison.
Hi! Amazon offers Eden’s Garden essential oils. While I prefer a company like Spark, YL or DoTerra I do like this brand. I think you can find them on your Amazon. It’s worth checking out. Plus they are so affordable. I also like Plant Therapy too-they are on Amazon as well.
Hi! I have to say I’m in love with this body butter. My skin is highly sensitive and this has been wonderful for me. I was just wondering if it’s ok to use on the baby if they dry or sensitive skin? I know you aren’t supposed to use lavander oil on a baby boy due to the hormones but I’m not sure about the other oils.
Kristi-In my opinion I would use it on my baby. I’m not that strict with my essential oil use though. It’s a whole different school of essential oil thought that believes lavender is going to upset hormones. This for sure would be so much better then the majority of lotions or butters you could buy! Everything in mine is edible!
Hi Jenni-
Can’t wait to try this one. Never had kids or been really overweight but for some reason have stretch marks on my hips just above my butt. Any chance I could use Helichrysum and Neroli Hydrosols instead of those 2 eos to make the stretch mark serum? I was thinking they would make the consistency a bit lighter and I also have those on hand but not the eos. If you think that would require a preservative, I have Leucidal Liquid (or Neodefend) I could add. Thanks for your input!
Lisa-I would not add any waters to a butter-They won’t mix without a proper emulsifier then you’re getting into making lotion and all the rules that come with that process! I believe Leucidal Liquid doesn’t work well with oils anyway. I know those essential oils are so expensive!!! I have those stretch marks too and find that just by keeping that area super moisturized reduces the appearance so you might just make the butter and use the oils you have.
Hi can I use this recipe , after having 4 kids , I have stretch marks on my tummy & between my legs
Patricia-You sure can! It will really nourish your skin and hopefully fade stretch marks that have been there. Good luck!
Hello I wanted to know if rose hip oil could be added since it is high in vitamin C and if so how many drops do you think I should add
Star-I could! I would replace one of the carrier oils with rosehip oil rather then drop some in. It’s a great idea to include it!
Thank you so much.
Hello! Rosa de mosqueta would alao work, right? What does Lemon do in thia recipe? Thanks!!!
According to my understanding and what I’ve studied, Helichrysum oil should not be used during pregnancy.
I had my first kid about 9 months ago and got stretch marks all across my stomach. I thought they would never go away because they are so dark. Well after 1 month of using dermelastic serum i see a great improvement! The jar says use at night and in the morning but sometimes i forget at night and i’m still seeing results!
Hello there. Thank you so much for the recipe. I was so excited to make this and thought I had everything I needed, but forgot to order beeswax. Would the recipe still be okay to use without it?
Hi Samantha! It won’t be as balmy. It will still work great, just not as firm.
What kind of jar did you use for this??
Tanya-Hi! I used THESE jars.
Hi Jenni,
I have a few questions that I’d love your feedback on:
1) Can I use water instead of beeswax in this recipe to make a lighter, more lotion-like recipe for easier application?
– If I can, how much emulsifying wax would I have to add?
– Would it still be as beneficial as a lighter formulation?
– Can I use it all over my body or would this be very expensive?!
2) Do I have to apply to a serum and a belly rub both for stretch mark prevention (I’m currently 2 weeks along, yay!) or can I do one or the other? Would it be overload for the body if there are so many oils and EO going into the body?
3) I saw that you said you didn’t use EO for your first trimester. Would I be endangering the baby if I did? I’ve read in many places that apart from a select few EO, it’s ok to use them throughout pregnancy. You’re definitely more informed than I am though, so I’d love your advice on this one. I’ve been using EO in my face serum and love it.
Hi! No water-it won’t emulsify and you’ll have to use a preservative. Your belly will benefit from all oils! No, I would pick one product and use it morning and night. Just because the first trimester is when the fetus is so vulnerable, it’s a precaution to not use them. After you’ve got the first trimester under your belt, I would absolutely use them!! Good luck and so sorry it took me so long to respond!
Would you ever consider selling me some of this? I have non of those ingredients on hand. I’d happily buy the belly butter from you! It sounds amazing!
Rachel-I just happened to see this question-it must’ve slipped through the cracks. So sorry!!! I no longer make and sale products. Thank you so much for your interest though. I do have THIS DIY that is much easier with less ingredients and very effective.
If I don’t use beeswax will it mess up the consistency of the butter. I forgot to order it and I’m trying to decide if I should wait to make it until it arrives. Lol
Hi Jesse-Yes, the beeswax is what will harden the butter so it won’t be super runny. It’s a must! Sorry.
Pingback: 12 DIY Homemade Stretch Mark Cream Recipes that Works ⋆ Bright Stuffs
Any idea the shelf life on this before I need to toss to avoid bacteria?
Tierney-Yes, it’s about 6 mos. Since we’re not adding any water based products, as long as you don’t get any drops of water in it-it will last quite a while!
I stopped using mine for a couple of days and when I went to grab some this morning, I saw a layer of spores on the surface. What did I do wrong?
Cecilia-Oh no! Sounds like water got in! It doesn’t take long once it’s contaminated with something water based to form spores.
Hi I love all your recipes! Thank you for sharing! I am looking for a recipe for a cream for tightening loose skin. Do you think this recipe would work for that as well?
Rachel-Thank you so much! You’ll be hard pressed to find a product that will tighten loose skin but this DIY will help with the appearance of your skin. I’m guessing loose skin is from a pregnancy or weight loss-Seems to me like time is the best remedy unfortunately. Best of luck!
Pingback: 22 Of The Best All-Natural DIY Stretch Mark Remedies