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Avocado Shea Facial Mask….

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avocado and sheaIt is officially freezing outside.   Cold weather can wreak havoc on skin.  If you are from a dry climate like I am your skin really suffers in the winter.  Between home and car heaters and cold dry air, my skin forms dry patches and starts to feel and look tight and dehydrated.  That’s not good for anyone much less skin that is not young and supple anymore!  So, I’m determined to find ways to relieve my dry skin while “feeding” my face lots of vitamins and antioxidants minus the chemicals!  

First of all, we must discuss hydrating from the inside out.  There are many foods that will help hydrate skin.  Omega 3s are a must.  Flax seed, walnuts and salmon are full of it. 

Also taking a supplement is a good idea. 

Any fruits or veggies that have lots of water in them are also good things to eat.  Watermelons, cucumbers, and berries are excellent plus they contain vitamins and antioxidants!  Spinach is another powerful food that keeps skin glowing and healthy.  It is full of Vitamin A, plus other plant compounds that aid in healthy skin.  When I am drinking a green smoothie regularly I can really see a difference in the appearance of my skin. 

Last but not least-DRINK WATER!!!  I am using the caps lock for myself!  I don’t know why it is so hard to be consistent with this habit.  It makes a huge difference in every function your body performs.  My rule of thumb is to drink a quart of water per 50 pounds.  So if you weigh 150lbs., you should drink 3 quarts of water a day.

Now, let’s get to the fun stuff….. What can we put on our face to hydrate and pamper??  AVOCADOS!!  Avocados are full of vitamins A, B, C, E, and K.  Plus they contain minerals such as magnesium, iron and potassium.  Vitamin A helps to exfoliate the skin making it look fresh and young.  Antioxidants are also present which make avocados an effective anti aging treatment!  Avocados are full of fat which in turn rejuvenates and replenishes skin.  This is one super food!

So, now that you know the benefits avocados can have on your skin, let’s figure out what we can add to enhance the mask further!  Raw honey is antimicrobial and antiseptic.  It is full of enzymes and nutrients which help to calm, heal and exfoliate the skin.  Raw honey is also a humectant.  This means it draws moisture to the skin.  Honey brightens the complexion, evens skin tone, and lightens scars and age spots. Shea butter is a rich thick butter that restores collagen and intensely moisturizes.  Lime juice brightens and awakens skin.  Let’s mix these ingredients together for a luxurious whipped mask!

DIY Avocado Shea Mask

1/2 Avocado
1/2 TBSP. Shea Butter (find it HERE)
1 tsp. Raw Honey
Splash of Lime juice

1. Mix ingredients in a blender or mixer.  You can also just use a spoon and mash the ingredients together.
2. Apply to clean skin and let set for 10-30 minutes.
3. Rinse with cool water and a gentle soap and moisturize as usual.  Shea butter will stick to your skin even after cleansing.  I keep it there and it eventually soaks in.  You don’t want to over cleanse and strip your skin of all the moisture it just received from the mask!
This recipe make about 2 applications.  It will only last 2-3 days in the fridge.  Because I am so dry I like to do the mask 2 days in a row.  My skin eats it up!

avocado and shea facial mask

An added bonus to this mask is that you have another half of the avocado!  Make some guacamole (check out my recipe HERE) and while your mask does it’s magic, grab the chips!

xx, Jenni

Sharing is caring!

Jennifer Phillips

Jennifer Phillips

Jennifer Phillips worked as a licensed aesthetician for over 8 years before creating the green beauty blog, Jenni Raincloud and her natural skin care line, J. Raincloud Organics. Jennifer has been blogging full time for 9 years and loves to gain and share knowledge on how to achieve beautiful skin the natural way.

11 thoughts on “Avocado Shea Facial Mask….”

  1. Pingback: 18 Homemade Face Masks for Every Skin Type - Seeds Of Real HealthSeeds Of Real Health |

  2. Hi Jenny,
    I’m just going to make the avocado face mask – but want to know if you can use the skins for making your own oil.
    Thanks Elaine

  3. Pingback: Shea Butter Face Mask – DIY Guide | Skin Disease Remedies

  4. There is a huge CYBER MONDAY Deals Add across the recipe. I can see all the ingredients, but not the amounts! Can you either tell me how to get that add off, or send me the amounts?

    1. Suzy-That’s really strange-I don’t have any ads over my recipes. It must be on your side. Here are the amounts just in case it’s still there-1/2 Avocado
      1/2 TBSP. Shea Butter (find it HERE)
      1 tsp. Raw Honey
      Splash of Lime juice

      1. Mix ingredients in a blender or mixer. You can also just use a spoon and mash the ingredients together.
      2. Apply to clean skin and let set for 10-30 minutes.
      3. Rinse with cool water and a gentle soap and moisturize as usual. Shea butter will stick to your skin even after cleansing. I keep it there and it eventually soaks in. You don’t want to over cleanse and strip your skin of all the moisture it just received from the mask!

      1. Thank you for the quick response! I stumbled across your website on Pinterest and LOVE it. So much so, my girlfriends and I are having a DIY party and making 5 of the beauty items. We are all so blessed (and busy!) that we all agreed that the finished products would be our gifts to each other! Thanks for the great ideas πŸ™‚

  5. Hi I saw on one of your other face mask post that if you do a mask you should always follow with a moisturizing mask to replenish the moisture. Would this be considered one of the moisturizing masks or no?

    I hope that question makes sense πŸ™‚


    1. Candice-I meant a clay mask since clay masks pull water out of the skin (along with toxins). Yes, this would be one to use to add moisture back into the skin!

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