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Team Edward Lip Stain……..Plus A SECRET Lip Plumping Bonus!

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Team Edward Plumping Lip StainAnother rainy day on the edge of fall weather and I am indulging in a Twilight marathon and making lip balms!  I LOVE Twilight, as I have mentioned before so why not dedicate a lip balm recipe to one of the loveliest vampires Hollywood has to offer!  As an added bonus, I’ve added a SECRET ingredients which will plump up those lips!  I say the bigger the better when it comes to lips!

First, the Lip Plumping Secret Ingredient:

There are lots of “lip plumpers” on the market right now that boast of a magical concoction making your lips look like you’ve injected collagen.  Did you know that the secret ingredient in those is cayenne pepper and/or cinnamon?  Basically the spiciness irritates your lips so they swell as a defense mechanism. 

So, why not make your own?  If you’ve been following my posts, you are a pro at making salves, so why not add in some cinnamon for that plumped up look? 

The great thing about this recipe is that while you are irritating your lips, you are also nourishing them with shea butter and olive oil as well.  Luckily, the two actions don’t cancel each other out!

I use Mica Powder to color the lip balm.  It is a natural mineral found in rocks.  When it is ground it has a shimmer.  It is in all mineral make up and is actually beneficial to your skin.  I have linked the word MICA in the recipe to Amazon where I found mine.

Team Edward Lip Stain

Team Edward DIY Plumping Lip Stain

1 TBSP Olive Oil (find it HERE)
1 tsp. Shea Butter (find it HERE)
1 tsp. Beeswax (find it HERE)
3 drops Cinnamon essential oil (find it HERE)
2 drops Scotch Pine essential oil (find it HERE)
1/4 tsp pink or red mica powder (find it HERE)


  1. Fill a medium sized pot half way full with water and place a glass bowl with a spout insde the pot.
  2. Mix all ingredients minus the Essential oils in your “double boiler”.
  3. Once beeswax is melted remove from heat and quickly add essential oils.
  4. Pour into your container!

**This recipe makes 1 oz.**

Now go watch Twilight!

xx, Jenni

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DIY Plumping Tinted Lip Balm

Sharing is caring!

Jennifer Phillips

Jennifer Phillips

Jennifer Phillips worked as a licensed aesthetician for over 8 years before creating the green beauty blog, Jenni Raincloud and her natural skin care line, J. Raincloud Organics. Jennifer has been blogging full time for 9 years and loves to gain and share knowledge on how to achieve beautiful skin the natural way.

18 thoughts on “Team Edward Lip Stain……..Plus A SECRET Lip Plumping Bonus!”

      1. Thanks so much! I’ll add more cinnamon slowly and hopefully I won’t end up looking like Fire Marshall Bill. 🙂 Thanks again!

  1. Hi! I am new to your site and natural skincare. I have been using your apple cider toner as well as your skin clearing serum and have been seeing such wonderful results! Thank you so much! I showed my mom your page and she is interested in this recipe. I am trying to hunt down the ingredients and I am wondering, do you know if white fir oil and fir needle oil can be used as substitutes? I know that oils have very distinct properties and ones that come from the same family can differ. I am seeing some mixed results and you seem so well versed on these topics that I figured it wouldn’t hurt to ask. 🙂

  2. Hi Jenny 😀

    What about using hibiscus powder? Also I have been making your anti wrinkle eye cream/stick, what a change :-D. It’s wonderful 😀 Thanks so much for your wonderful recipes!

    1. Hey Chandice, my experience says its best to use beetroot powder for red natural color. Hibiscus powder is more useful when u use it in hair products. Hope this helps.

  3. Hi Jenni, Im trying out few of your recipes and Im liking it. I cant find the recipe for eye serum which was much appreciated. Can you please post me the link? Thanks & Keep up the good work 🙂

  4. Just made this recipe today–SOOO easy to make! The 1 oz of mica powder that I ordered from Amazon (thanks for the link!) will last a long time at only 1/4 tsp per batch and since I already had the essential oils, beeswax and Shea butter on hand anyway, this means it has officially been added to my growing holistic beauty regimen. While plumping effect is slight, I am more focused on making my own beauty & cleaning products so all in all, this post right up my alley. Thanks for sharing! ;p

  5. Great blog! I’ve been playing with all things natural for years (I have a skin/body care line for outdoorsy people who like to glam up), so to spare others the frustration and $$ I can tell you that hibiscus, beet root, and some cinnamon powders (in fact, many plant based powders) will be too grainy and will not, without futher smooshing and grinding, blend in nicely. Oh, they’ll look perfect in the pot but once applied not so much. Also be wary of adding too much citrus ess. oil in any recipe as they increase skins photosensitivity.

  6. I found it tricky to get the right shade with artificial colorants or mica. So, I started infusing alkanet powder in olive oil and get a beautifully rich red color that can be used alone as a sheer tint blush/lip color It can also be used as the olive oil portion of a lip balm for color.
    One drawback is that alkanet really stinks, luckily it’s just the smell not the taste, but I’m used to it and like the effect so I put up with it,
    I’ve always infused herbs like chamomile and calendula in olive oil for soap making with good luck. Do you or anyone reading have a suggestion for infusing a lighter oil than olive for cosmetic use? Argan, kukui are light weight but has anyone experience infusing them with an herb? I want to try Beet root or hibiscus for different shades.Should work, right?

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