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Skin Benefits of Seaweed+Mask Recipe!

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Skin Benefits of Seaweed + DIY Seaweed MaskThere’s something very magical about the sea for me.  It demands respect, vibrates on a high frequency and is full of life.  Some of that life can actually benefit our bodies greatly.  One of which is seaweed.  Whether you ingest seaweed or apply it topically, it is loaded with minerals, vitamins and powerful age fighting properties that can greatly improve skin.  And believe it or not, it’s actually very easy and affordable to incorporate it into your skin care routine!

Let’s jump right in and find out the benefits of seaweed in skin care.

First and foremost, seaweed is jam packed full of skin loving properties such as minerals, vitamins and even essential fatty acids.  It can actually draw excess fluid and waste out of the pores, cleansing impurities and clearing skin over time. It is high in B vitamins which help calm inflammation and reduce the pooling of blood underneath the skin.

Seaweed not only benefits the skin, it actually can improve hair as well.  It nourishes the scalp and hair follicles encouraging thicker, longer hair.  Seaweed can increase hair mineralization which strengthens and thickens hair.  So far in my research of seaweed, taking a seaweed supplement or eating seaweed is the best way to reap benefits for your hair.  On a side note, seaweed is high in iodine and taking a seaweed supplement can help balance and nourish your thyroid.

Benefits of Seaweed in Skin Care:

  • High in B vitamins
  • Strengthens cells
  • Minimizes sun spots
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Increases elasticity
  • Detoxes skin
  • Antioxidant rich
  • Calms the skin
  • Protects the skin
  • Moisturizes
  • Minimizes cellulite

DIY Seaweed Mask


A regular seaweed mask can actually benefit all skin types.  Because it’s a powerful detoxifier, it is amazing for problem skin.  It’s anti aging powers are vast and can actually reverse skin damage with regular use!  So feel free to use this mask no matter what your skin type is!

DIY Seaweed Mask:


  1. Mix ingredients together in a small bowl.
  2. Apply a thin layer to skin.
  3. Allow to set for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Rinse with warm water.
  5. Follow up with a toner and moisturizer.

Lavender is optional but seaweed has a strong scent that I like to cover up.  Plus you will get added calming and anti inflammatory action with lavender.

DIY Seaweed Mask

Seaweed is an incredible product of nature.  It can grow up to 2 feet in one day!  It feeds marine life, provides protection and a home and creates oxygen underwater.  I get so excited to learn the function of a natural substance and almost always you use it to benefit and sustain human health.  Who really needs synthetic ingredients when we have God’s creation ripe for our use?

Seaweed would be incredibly beneficial in an oil based cleanser since it has powerful detoxing abilities!  Stay tuned for more recipes that contain seaweed!

I recommend and use THIS organic seaweed powder.

xx, Jenni

PIN IT!!!DIY Seaweed Mask





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Jennifer Phillips

Jennifer Phillips

Jennifer Phillips worked as a licensed aesthetician for over 8 years before creating the green beauty blog, Jenni Raincloud and her natural skin care line, J. Raincloud Organics. Jennifer has been blogging full time for 9 years and loves to gain and share knowledge on how to achieve beautiful skin the natural way.

6 thoughts on “Skin Benefits of Seaweed+Mask Recipe!”

  1. Wow, Jenni, love this idea! I eat seaweed from time to time…sometimes I just get the roasted nori sheets and wrap them around avocado (sooooo good!) and I love SeaSnax. Love the idea of the topical application, and it’s so simple! I’ll order the powder you are using…can’t wait to try! Sometimes we think alike…I’ve been thinking about doing a seaweed post (revolving around eating it) and then I see your brilliant idea of making a mask:)

  2. Hi Jenni,
    Love your recipe… but FYI: I have tried, once some time ago and then again just tonight to click on your link to amazon for purchasing seaweed powder and it always says it is unavailable. There is another product that is organic seaweed (kelp) powder on amazon, Starwest Botanicals, or also sold at Mountain Rose Herbs.
    Thanks so much for all of your wonderful recipes!
    Elizabeth T.

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