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The 5 Essential Oils You Should Never Be Without.

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5 Best Essential OilsNavigating through all the information about essential oils can be overwhelming.  There are so many essential oils, not to mention so many opinions on each one and how they should and shouldn’t be used.  I must admit, there are only a handful of essential oils that I use on a regular basis.  

However, there are only 5 most useful essential oils I never want to be without.  Each of these oils serves a specific purpose and have many uses whether you use them together of separate.  They are gentle, multi purpose and take care of a huge range of issues.  

5 Most Useful Essential Oils:

Frankincense Essential Oil

  • Because it is extremely gentle, use it to accelerate healing of open wounds and burns. (does not need to be diluted)
  • Remove skin tags, moles and warts by applying directly 3-4 times a day.
  • Apply to sunspots and scars to lighten and fade.
  • Diffuse daily to ward off depression and anxiety.
  • Improve vision by pressing into the eye socket bones daily.
  • Because of it’s tightening abilities, add a few drops to skin care for added anti aging action!
  • Build up your immune system by rubbing a few drops into the balls of your feet daily.
  • Add a drop to itchy spots to remove itchiness.
  • Apply to arthritis pain to relieve swelling and discomfort.
  • Layer on top of other essential oils to push them deeper into the skin.
  • Learn even more amazing uses for frankincense HERE.

Lavender Essential Oil

  • Dilute with a carrier oil and rub in between babies eyebrows and down the bridge of the nose for a clogged tear duct.  Should un-clog after a few days of reapplying.
  • Mix 30 drops with water and 1 TBSP of witch hazel in a spray bottle to use as a linen spray that will help with sleep issues.
  • Diffuse at bedtime to sleep more soundly.
  • Lavender is extremely healing, antibacterial, anti inflammatory and anti fungal.  Add to skin care to help with acne and sensitivities. DIY Neosporin recipe HERE.
  • Apply to burns to stop pain and tissue damage.
  • Apply to cuts and wounds for fast healing.  This will also curb infection.
  • Apply to bruises for quick healing.
  • Instant hemorrhoid relief.
  • A must have on vacation for it’s many uses-read HERE.

Peppermint Essential Oil

  • Apply 5 drops with a tsp. of carrier oil and rub right over ovaries for cramping relief during period. Read all about PMS and peppermint oil HERE.
  • Apply 1 drop to each temple to ease headaches.
  • Place cotton balls with 2-3 drops of Peppermint around the house to repel spiders and mice.
  • Drop 1 drop in 8 ounces of coconut milk for indigestion and acid reflux.
  • Diffuse for improved concentration and alertness.
  • Drop directly on mosquito bites for itch relief.
  • Cure bad breath with a drop of peppermint on your tongue.
  • Apply a few drops of peppermint to a quarter size of coconut oil to the stomach to reduce fever.
  • Mix a couple drops in a dollop of facial cream to revive a dull complexion.
  • Add 2 drops to 8 ounces of water to calm an upset stomach.

Tea Tree Essential Oil

  • Apply directly to a blemish for a spot treatment-Leave on overnight.
  • When applied directly to the underarm melaleuca neutralizes body odor.
  • Anti-viral and antimicrobial.  Fights antibiotic resistant illnesses.
  • Remedy for athlete’s foot-Add a few drops to a tablespoon of witch hazel and apply to the affected area with a cotton swab three times a day.
  • Remedy for foot fungus.  Apply directly to toe nails and toes.
  • Dab a couple of drops a day to heal a boil.
  • Because it is antimicrobial is is an excellent disinfectant.  Add to water or vinegar in water bottle to disinfect germy places.
  • Apply to rashes to help heal and calm itchiness.
  • Tick removal-Apply 1 drop to embedded tick, wait 5 minutes.  If tick hasn’t detached remove with tweezers.  I find the oil helps them loosen their grip. Read about it HERE.
  • Wart removal-Add 1 drop to wart and cover with band aid.  Repeat daily until wart is gone.
  • Skin Tag remover-Apply 2-3 drops into a cotton ball and place over skin tag.  Cover with a band aid.  Repeat 2x a day until skin tag is gone.
  • Apply a couple of drops to the back of your dog’s collar to repel flees.

Lemon Essential Oil

  • Add 2 drops per 8 ounces of water for detox benefits.
  • Use to de-stick gum from hair.
  • Use lemon to de-grease your hands after working in the garage!
  • Great leanser-Mix 5-10 drops of lemon with vinegar and use as a cleaner for your counter tops!
  • Add 5 drops with your laundry detergent for extra fresh laundry.
  • Mix 5 drops with a tablespoon of honey for an amazing skin treatment-Leave on for 10 minutes.
  • Apply 1 drop to cold sores for fast healing.
  • Add a couple drops of lemon to your water to ease indigestion.
  • Add to water to neutralize stomach acid.
  • Mix hot water with a tablespoon of raw honey and 5 drops of Lemon for a sore throat tea.
  • Swipe some lemon under your nose to relieve the sniffles.

Related Posts: Essential Oil Post Collection

Most Useful Essential Oils

Diffusing is one of the best ways to enjoy the benefits of essential oils! Learn all about diffusing HERE. You’ll be shocked at all the benefits that come along with this little habit!

I get my essential oils at Mountain Rose Herbs. Their oils are certified organic, affordable and 100% pure. They even have an in-house aromatherapist to ensure quality of each oil. I have zero regrets ditching Young Living for Mountain Rose Herbs. YL oils are shockingly over priced, hard to buy and ship slow. If you haven’t already, give Mountain Rose Herb’s essential oils a try HERE!


xx, Jenni

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Jennifer Phillips

Jennifer Phillips

Jennifer Phillips worked as a licensed aesthetician for over 8 years before creating the green beauty blog, Jenni Raincloud and her natural skin care line, J. Raincloud Organics. Jennifer has been blogging full time for 9 years and loves to gain and share knowledge on how to achieve beautiful skin the natural way.

7 thoughts on “The 5 Essential Oils You Should Never Be Without.”

  1. Hi!!

    Is the 4 pack + Frankincense promo still available? When I follow your link then add the Frankincense, it comes up at regular price as an add in. Also, is 20% off of $75 still available? THANKS IN ADVANCE!! 😁

  2. I agree with all five–these are some favorites and some of the oils I use most often. When I started my journey with essential oils, I ordered from a company called Better Essentials. I picked and ordered items just a few at a time, trying to select items I thought that I would use.
    Within the last couple of months, I ordered a Young Living Essential Oils starter kit. I was hesitant to order the starter kit because it included several items that I was unfamiliar with and wasn’t certain I’d use. However, it’s been interesting–the company has clearly planned out the items in the kit, because there’s a wide variety of them. In the first 7 days with the kit, I used every single one in multiple ways. It’s been fun to have someone else pick a couple of oils for me to use!

  3. Pingback: The 5 Essential Oils You Should Never Be Without + an Exclusive Deal! – Jenni Raincloud

  4. Pingback: The 5 Essential Oils You Should Never Be Without. | | Essential Oils Life Boost

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