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DIY Pumpkin Pie Lip Balm + Bonus Recipe

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DIY Pumpkin Pie Lip BalmToday it’s cloudy….. It hasn’t been cloudy in over a month, much less rained.  It’s mid September and we are still in the 90’s, so anything that resembles the coziness of fall inspires me! I am not above pumpkin spice EVERYTHING. So that being said, I’ve made a DIY pumpkin pie lip balm!

I decided to experiment with DIY lip balms today and ventured outside my usual essential oil route and “infused” my oils instead!  This turned out to be really simple using tea bags! 

I used grapeseed oil as my base because it is odorless. You could use sweet almond oil, refined coconut oil, safflower oil or apricot seed oil instead. Beeswax is a must. It is what solidifies the oil into a balm. It also helps moisturize lips and acts as a barrier to protect skin!

I found pumpkin spice tea at Target. Cinnamon and sugar are optional but they make this DIY lip balm extra fun! 

DIY Pumpkin Pie Lip Balm


  1. Heat above ingredients in a glass bowl placed in a pot filled with water (double boiler).
  2. Turn on stove to low-medium heat and heat oil, tea bags and cinnamon/sugar for 20 minutes.
  3. Remove tea bags.
  4. Add 1 TBSP of Beeswax
  5. Let beeswax melt completely then pour into containers!
  6. Allow to cool and use!
DIY Pumpkin Pie Lip Balm

DIY Pumpkin Pie Lip Balm

Yield: 4 ounces

Pumpkin Spice season would not be complete without a Pumpkin Pie Lip Balm! This lip balm is super easy to make by infusing a simple pumpkin pie tea back into your oil to create a spicy delcious scent. Add a bit of beeswax, cinnamon and sugar and you've got a creamy, nourishing balm your lips will love!


    1. Heat ingredients in a glass bowl placed in a pot filled with water (double boiler).
    2. Turn on stove to low-medium heat and heat oil, tea bags and cinnamon/sugar for 20 minutes.
    3. Remove tea bags.
    4. Add 1 TBSP of Beeswax
    5. Let beeswax melt completely then pour into containers!
    6. Allow to cool and use!


This recipe is for 4 ounces which will typically make you about 4 lip balm tins or about 20 lip balm tubes.

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My first batch I used a Chai tea bag, a packet of Sweet Leaf (safe artificial sweetener), and liberally shook cinnamon in the mix.  The sugar flavor didn’t come through, the Chai was strong for me (I can’t make it all the way through a Starbucks Chai Latte though), and the cinnamon made my lips feel funny (plumped them up, stay tuned for lip plumper post, ha!).  

Tailor this recipe to your own taste!  It was fun and easy and so perfect for the season!

And while I’m at it-How about a bonus DIY lip balm recipe that smells like fall to me?!

William Sonoma DIY Lip Balm

You can also simmer on the stove top a few sprigs of rosemary, a lemon and 2 tbsp. of vanilla extract in some water for that William Sonoma Smell in your home!


For another “tea bag” DIY lip balm check out my DIY sugar cookie lip balm recipe!

xx, Jenni


DIY Pumpkin Pie Lip Balm

Sharing is caring!

Jennifer Phillips

Jennifer Phillips

Jennifer Phillips worked as a licensed aesthetician for over 8 years before creating the green beauty blog, Jenni Raincloud and her natural skin care line, J. Raincloud Organics. Jennifer has been blogging full time for 9 years and loves to gain and share knowledge on how to achieve beautiful skin the natural way.

9 thoughts on “DIY Pumpkin Pie Lip Balm + Bonus Recipe”

    1. Oh wow, I’m so glad you commented-I wrote this post a while back and have never noticed that I didn’t mention a double boiler! That’s how I did mine, just didn’t word my recipe right!! Thanks for catching that! Sorry your recipe didn’t work-my fault!

  1. Sounds like you had a reaction to the cinnamon. A lot of people, including myself, are allergic. It will make your lips tingle and eventually affect your breathing. Nutmeg is the best I can do for that spice flav. Think, ”HITCH” Will Smith when he ate the nuts. Lol

  2. What fun! I made these today, and I keep wanting to lick my lips! They’re just sweet enough – which is to say- only a hint of sweetness – and they smell delicious. They taste like pumpkin spice, too, definitely, though I think next time I make them, I might use 3 teabags. My daughters are all pumpkin spice mad, so I’ll pass them out tomorrow when everyone’s here for family dinner. And for me, I’m looking forward to the Williams Sonoma lip balm–that looks heavenly. Thanks, Jenni!

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