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DIY Skin Care

Since starting this blog, I’ve realized that I am a true DIYer.  I will literally DIY anything.  If you come to my home, you’ll notice I DIY the art on my walls.  I even had 2 DIY births-yes, you heard that right-I had 2 home births but my last baby came too soon so the midwife didn’t make it-who needs a doctor or midwife when you’re a DIYer?  Totally kidding.  If you’re familiar with this blog, you know the list of DIYs goes on and on!  From candles to chap-stick, I’ve covered a lot of bases.  I thought it might be fun to give you a peak at what a normal day looks like when you DIY practically everything!

I came up with this post idea because the other day I realized how inundated my daily schedule is with DIYs and how, in my opinion, they enhance my daily experiences greatly as well as reduce my harmful chemical intake.  I’m hoping that maybe this will give you a glimpse at what DIYing your personal products really looks like and how easy it really is!

So first things first, let’s talk toothpaste.  DIY toothpaste is much more economical then store bought, especially when you are buying “natural” toothpaste.  It takes just a couple ingredients plus an essential oil or two and you have a safe alternative to a flouride, sodium lauryl sulfate and triclosan filled toothpaste. Plus, a DIY toothpaste will last you forever.  I make my toothpaste, maybe every 3 mos. at most.  Some days of the week, I also whiten my teeth with activated charcoal as well.  Whitening teeth with charcoal takes about 1-2 minutes and requires nothing but a toothbrush and a couple capsules of activated charcoal.  Not only do these 2 practices keep my teeth looking and feeling healthy, they also keep my teeth and breath feeling fresh way longer then regular toothpaste!  Find my toothpaste recipe HERE.

Next up is DIY deodorant.  I feel like I constantly talk about my body odor.  You’re probably so sick of hearing it if you’ve been with me for a while!  I have tried loads of natural deodorants-none of which did the job.  It wasn’t until I made my own that I was able to feel confident through out the day.  My DIY deodorant lasts all day and is gentle and healthy for your skin.  For my super easy deodorant recipe go HERE.  Did I mention you can make several tubes so you don’t have to make more for at least 6 mos.?

DIY toothpaste and deodorant

P1250312Now let’s talk skin care, my favorite to DIY.  DIY skin care doesn’t have to be hard.  In fact, my daily products could not be more simple.  Each morning I oil cleanse.  About every other month I fill a 4-6 ounce glass pump bottle with 1 tbsp. of castor oil and then fill the rest with sweet almond oil or jojoba oil.  On particularly bad skin seasons, I will also add a tbsp. of tamanu oil.  I usually add about 15 drops of lavender essential oil as well.  This oil cleanser is used morning and night.  Once I oil cleanse, I use a DIY toner containing 1/2 lavender or helichyrsum hydrosol and 1/2 witch hazel.  Again, this DIY takes literally 1 minute to make!  Once I’ve toned I apply a facial oil made up of rosehip seed oil, geranium and lavender essential oil and vitamin E.  Simple.  All 3 DIYs require no heat-just mixing straight into the designated bottle.  All 3 products are incredibly natural and simple.  I find this morning routine keeps dry skin as well as clogged skin at bay as long as I commit to daily oil cleansing.

After my morning routine, I take the girls to school and then it’s coffee time and work.  I get a nutrition packed smoothie in about mid morning before picking up my youngest from pre-k that also supports healthy skin.  HERE is that recipe if you’re interested.  Part of a healthy DIY lifestyle includes avoiding eating out.  I love lunch at Chili’s as much as the next gal but it is very likely you will have compromised your health goals when you let a restaurant prepare your food.  But I digress, let’s get back to the subject at hand!

I’m lacking momentum lately with the gym but I really try to get at least 2 spin classes in a week and when I go, you better believe I have my DIY Gym Spray with me!  It can be used to sanitize exercise machines as well as yoga mats.  I use it to minimize the stink that comes from sweating your you know whats off after spinning.  Find the recipe HERE.  This little spray comes with me everywhere I go and works like a charm to kill bacteria and freshen me up!



My afternoon often involves making, packing and shipping Etsy products and more post preparing with a few breaks here and there to play Barbies and baby dolls!  Late afternoon we’re off to pick up my oldest from school and then home for homework, dinner and down time.

My night time DIY ritual is my favorite.  I look at my skin care ritual at night as a relaxing, self loving experience.  I oil cleanse once again-this time paying more attention to removing the makeup and dirt from the day.  I tone and then use THIS facial oil.  I save this facial oil for night time because it contains the AMAZING sea buckthorn oil.  This powerful oil is orange.  Like really orange y’all!  I only add a small amount into my night time facial oil but there is still an orange tint.  I like to press it into my skin and on some nights I even use THIS little device to help it penetrate deeper as well as encourage collagen production and kill bacteria.  I have a post on it HERE if you’d like to know more.  To finish my night time routine, I use THIS eye treatment and apply a DIY lip balm.

avid DIYer 1

I truly believe that I have stumbled upon a skin care regime that is not only nourishing my skin but also strengthening my skin and preparing it for aging.  We all age-if we aren’t aging, we’re dead.  So if you can’t beat it, join it.  Give your skin the love and attention it needs to age gracefully.

What I didn’t mention today is household items I do and don’t DIY.  Hey wait, that might be a good idea for a post!  I’ve tried it all so I’ll save that discussion for another day!

xx, Jenni

I buy all my ingredients from Mountain Rose Herbs for carrier oils like rosehip and jojoba as well as hydrosols and non-GMO vitamin E.  I trust their quality above all other.

Sharing is caring!

Jennifer Phillips

Jennifer Phillips

Jennifer Phillips worked as a licensed aesthetician for over 8 years before creating the green beauty blog, Jenni Raincloud and her natural skin care line, J. Raincloud Organics. Jennifer has been blogging full time for 9 years and loves to gain and share knowledge on how to achieve beautiful skin the natural way.

9 thoughts on “A Day in the Life of an Avid DIYer…”

  1. Great info, Jenni! Have done the DIY toothpaste off and on for years. It is so cheap, easy and really works. And totally love charcoal for tooth whitening…I just did a post on that myself last week. I used to use white strips, and eventually my teeth became so sensitive that I couldn’t stand them. The charcoal works just as well if not better, no pain, and a fraction of the cost. Do you oil pull? I think that, in conjunction with the charcoal, really keeps my teeth nice.

    1. Elizabeth-I am just about to do a post on activated charcoal-Do you mind if I reference your post? I’ve had a few questions about it and you’re right, those white strips make your teeth sensitive-my teeth are cringing as I write this! I don’t oil pull but I know I should. How often do you do it? I have a friend who does it only once a week and swears by it. I could commit to 1 time a week!

      1. Thank You, it is cute! Have you had long? Would you purchase again? What section of the store did you use? Thanks again for all the tips!

        1. I’ve had it for over a year and I love it! I pretty much love most of Ikea! I got it in the bathroom section. I don’t have an Ikea where I live so I’m not sure if they still have it. They also had a cute soap dish to match! You’re welcome!

  2. Pingback: My new yogurt maker – ILHA Brasil

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