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I love this series and wish I did it more often. I guess it’s my way of getting down in writing the little things that are easily over looked that make me happy. I try to live by the mantra that whatever you focus on gets bigger so the practice of seeking out the simple things in life that make life a bit sweeter is one way I keep myself from getting bogged down by the stresses of life. This series is pretty personal to me and my life but I hope that it encourages you to find the little things that make you happy everyday. A happy perspective is a choice and it can go a long way when it comes to being the best version of yourself. I think more then ever we’ve got to fight to keep our head clear of negativity, fear and doubt and hopefully this little practice will help.

I think we’re all a bit apprehensive (to say the least) about Covid 19 and I’m doing what I can to boost our immune system. We’ve doubled up on our liquid probitoic, I’ve added zinc and vitamin D to my supplements and am addressing adrenal fatigue and hypothyroid. I have not been diagnosed with either but I have almost every symptom of both. I’m even losing my hair and have gained weight. I’ll definitely do a post after I’ve evaluated these new supplements to let you know if I’ve felt some improvement.

In addition to these supplements, I decided to jump on the celery juice wagon. I also have been juicing carrots, apples, cucumbers and greens. Juicing is another subject that I want to get a bit further down the road before I devote a whole post so that I can inform you better on juicers and recipes. I will say, I’m loving my juices and am craving them daily! 


There is quite the story behind my new lovely Fiddle Leaf Fig tree. It’s no secret that I’m obsessed with plants. A few weeks ago, I ran in to Home Depot and fell in love with the Draecena plant pictured above. It had a couple of trunks that were damaged so I asked if they discounted damaged plants. It was pouring rain and teenage boys were manning the garden center which contributed to my good fortune. They called the manager and she told them to give me the plant! It is almost taller then me, in beautiful condition and was $60! So fast forward a week and I couldn’t stop thinking about the 8 feet tall Fiddle Leaf Figs that were scorched on the top. I went back hoping to get a discount on this particular tree and had no luck. They weren’t going for it. So I went home but I couldn’t stop thinking about this tree. The next day, I went back deciding I would pay full price and figured out I could fit it in my car. I do just that and am driving home when a huge metal object flies in front of me on the highway and goes underneath my car, ripping my undercarriage to shreds. A month later and we still can’t find out why my car won’t run. So, I could say I’ve learned nothing is free and this second tree is the reason my beloved car is in such bad shape, but honestly I love both of these plants and am choosing to not make the connection.  And BTW-if you love plants too and haven’t been to your local Home Depot, you might want to go-I can’t believe these plants are so well priced. They are less then half of what they would be at a nursery. 

I love my morning view from my patio. It’s such a gift when winter finally exits and everyone can get outside. All though it’s a little thing, I had to include it in what’s currently making me happy. Little, simple things can sometimes be the most important at the end of the day.

My husband has upgraded his garden from last year and I’m so proud at how well he’s done. If all goes well, I hope each year it gets bigger and better! He’s also just about finished on a chicken coop! I can’t wait to have fresh eggs along with all the cucumbers, tomatoes, squash and basil we’ve been enjoying so far! This  garden is definitely help support my new juice habit!

I have no shame in my bracelet game. Ever. I’ll pair anything and everything but lately I’ve been wearing these bracelets from Anthropologie! I can’t stop buying them! They add such a pop of color!

We just got back from Destin Florida with my mother in law and grandmother in law. We had such a magical time! The sand was powdery white and the water was turquoise! We ate loads of fresh seafood, got tons of sun, dug up crabs, caught fish, boogie boarded and had lots of laughs. It was definitely a memory maker of a trip. We went just in the nick of time before beaches are closing down again due to Covid 19. This trip was such a blessing!

A weird and quirky fact about me is that I am obsessed with vintage lava lamps. I have even learned how to restore them. My favorite is the one pictured above and was probably owned by someone in the 60’s which is so cool to me. Lava lamps, while being a huge design faux pas, give me such happiness and excitement. 

If you talk to my husband, he’ll tell you I’ve lost my damn mind. This is the stack of V.C. Andrew’s books I’ve read since February and just today I ordered 7 more. We are going through such a challenging time in our lives on top of this pandemic that these books have saved me from completely drowning in stress. If you like drama with dark, soap opera twists and turns as well as extremely endearing characters, you might just want to give them a go-They are deliciously vintage 80’s and there’s something about finding the original books on EBay. Plus, I’m becoming more and more determined to limit my phone time to very little. I’m to the point that I would much rather pick up a book than my phone. 

Clearly I went way past 5 things but I couldn’t help it! I think more than ever we all need to focus on the little things that make us smile. I struggle with having everyone home all the time because I really enjoy peace and quiet and can get so overwhelmed with a lot of people around me. If I allow myself to focus on that I would become a very difficult family member. Focusing on the fact that we’re all together and healthy and we live in a comfortable, beautiful home with so many little blessings is truly the only way to live. 

For more of this series go HERE.

xx, Jenni

Sharing is caring!

Jennifer Phillips

Jennifer Phillips

Jennifer Phillips worked as a licensed aesthetician for over 8 years before creating the green beauty blog, Jenni Raincloud and her natural skin care line, J. Raincloud Organics. Jennifer has been blogging full time for 9 years and loves to gain and share knowledge on how to achieve beautiful skin the natural way.

3 thoughts on “These 5 Things Plus 4…”

  1. Hi Jenni, A question: how do you keep your cats away from plants? My cats think
    they’re food lol
    Love your bracelets!!!

    1. Sue-I only have one cat that tends to munch and she chooses my little ones that I’ve ended up moving outside. They do like to jump in the plants and dig so I always have to put rocks on the top. You could maybe spray your plants with something like water and an essential oil-I believe cats will stay away and the oils shouldn’t hurt the plant-but I’ve never tried it. You could just squirt them with water-I know that’s a huge no no to animal activists but cats need discipline and squirting them works!
      Thank you!! And good luck!

  2. Thanks for your reply! I adore houseplants and bringing in fresh flowers. What a mess LOL
    I don’t think a squirt gun is a bad idea!! It’s only water. 🙂
    Mookie goes crazy when we go to the Farmer’s Market. He loves leafy veggies!

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