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How to Make the Best Epsom Salt Bath for Detox and Healing

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Often times on a person’s health journey, they can become overwhelmed with the effort and expense it can take to feel better. I know that’s been me on countless occasions. The good news is that while there are hard parts of detoxing and working towards optimal health, there are also cheap and easy ways as well. Believe it or not, taking a hot bath with mineral salts can actually go a long way when it comes to detox, healing, hydration and relaxation! My epsom bath salt recipe is quick and simple but only contains affordable, natural ingredients. A salt bath is a cheap and easy way to improve your health!

Glass container of Epsom Salt with a wooden spoon of Himalayan salt and essential oil bottles.

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Do I have an exciting article for you! I have been pouring over research on the benefits of taking baths with salts.  Seriously-Epsom salt, where have you been all my life??  The main benefit for salt baths is DETOX and I’m all about detox. 

Most people are full of toxins due to eating processed food, chemicals in cosmetics and household products and lack of healthy habits like exercise and drinking water. Toxin build up can really tax the immune system and organ function. 

On a superficial level, toxins rear their ugly heads through cellulite, acne, puffiness and even skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and rashes. Of course we should all eat better, drink more water, exercise and cut down our exposure to chemicals to rid our bodies of toxins, but that’s all easier said than done. 

How about we commit to taking 2-3 salt baths a week? That’s an easy commitment if you ask me!

The skin is our largest organ. It’s function is to absorb, filter and deliver. The skin is the window to our internal health. When someone suffers from skin conditions that is a sign that something is wrong internally. Our skin comes in contact with everything. That’s why detoxing is so very important.

What is Epsom Salt?

Epsom salt is also known as magnesium sulfate. It is made up of magnesium, sulfur and oxygen. Magnesium being the main compound responsible for delivering many benefits epsom salt is known for.

It was discovered in Epsom England and has been used for 100s of years to treat constipation, achy muscles, fibromyalgia, insomnia etc.

Epsom salt is very different from table salt. It is not a salt you would put on your food due to it’s bitter taste.

Epsom salt is found in most grocery stores and pharmacies. It usually comes in a large bag or carton and is very affordable.

A supposed benefits of epsom salts is that the magnesium can be absorbed into the skin during a good soak. There is a lack of medical evidence that this actually can happen but so many have experienced great health benefits that many believe it is an effective way to increase magnesium levels!

Epsom Salt and Detox:

When we think of organs that detoxify our systems, the liver, kidneys and the gut first come to mind, but did you know the skin is a detoxifying organ as well? An epsom salt bath soak encourages the skin to pull toxins out of the body and excrete them through the skin.  

Epson salt is full of magnesium. Most people are deficient in magnesium and this leads to toxin build up, constipation, low energy and even stress. Raising magnesium levels is one of the biggest benefits of taking salt baths.

The minerals from epsom salt help to draw out impurities in your skin. In fact, epsom salt has such a drawing ability that it is said an epsom salt soak can even be effective at bringing a splinter to the surface of the skin! It is also said that magnesium and sulfate, the two main compounds in epsom salt, help stimulate detoxification pathways. Also, the sulfates in epsom salt help the body flush out toxins.

By adding minerals like magnesium and sulfate to your bathwater, it sparks a process called reverse osmosis, which literally pulls salt out of your body and dangerous toxins along with it. 

Espom salt can greatly improve the appearance of skin. Taking a warm bath opens the pores, allowing the minerals in the bath to thoroughly cleanse the skin. Bathing in a solution of warm water and bath salts will work to draw out impurities, pollution, oil and dirt from the skin.

More Benefits of taking an Epsom Salt Bath:

  • Promotes relaxation and better sleep-scientific studies have shown that magnesium helps the body produce melatonin induce sleep.
  • Relieves water retention-Epsom salt helps pull excess salts out of the body helping your body retain less water. 
  • Soothes sore muscles-magnesium can help the body use lactic acid which helps relieve pain after a strenuous workout.
  • Relieves constipation-magnesium helps with constipation. Magnesium is usually taken by mouth but I personally believe that an epsom salt bath or even a good soak in the ocean can help with digestion.
  • Increases circulation
  • Accelerates wound healing
  • Enhances skin hydration
  • Helps slow down signs of aging-regular salt baths can decrease the appearance of fine lines by plumping the skin and balancing moisture.

Benefits of an Epsom Salt Bath

A Warm Bath Can Miraculously Relieve Pain:

I speak from experience. While I am not a weight lifter or engage in extreme exercise, I have given birth twice in a bath tub. Any fellow home birther will tell you, where there are no drugs to be had, water works miracles when it comes to pain. I labored for hours with my first home birth in the tub. No salt was involved, just warm bath water. My second home birth was quick but you bet I jumped in that tub the minute those contractions started!

Water is a miracle. Add salt and you’ve got a powerful way to relieve pain naturally. Muscle pain and stiff joints can be greatly reduced by a hot soak at the end of a long day.

How to Make an Epsom Salt Bath:

  • Making an epsom salt bath could not be easier. Simply fill your tub with warm to hot water and add 1-2 cups of epsom salt. The salt will dissolve.
  • You can add 10-15 drops of essential oil if you chose.
  • Light a candle or diffuse and turn on relaxing music. The mind, body and soul are connected so engaging all your senses is a great idea!
  • Soak for 10-30 minutes taking care while getting out in case you are drowsy.

Other Additives to Add to an Epsom Salt Bath:

Pink Himalayan Sea Salt:

Pink Himalayan Sea Salt contains 82 other nutrients besides the ones found in Epsom salt. Himalayan salt is anti-microbial, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial. Himalayan salt produces negative ions. When these ions heat up they attach to positively charged ions in the air such as pollutants, dust, allergens and bacteria and neutralize them. Hence, Salt lamps. Himalayan salt is known to reduce inflammation which is so helpful for those suffering from arthritis or muscle soreness.

Dead Sea Salt:

Dead Sea salt contains magnesium, sodium, zinc, bromide, potassium, sulfur, iodine, and calcium, among other minerals. This mineral rich salt can help hydrate the skin as well as reduce inflammation. Because of this, it is a great salt to add to your DIY salt bath mixture if you suffer from psoriasis or eczema. Thanks to the zinc, it is also great for acne. Dead sea salt also helps rev up circulation!

Baking Soda:

Baking soda has cleansing and detoxing qualities which when paired with epsom salt can pack a decent punch when detoxing is the aim. It has been known to be effective against skin conditions like poison ivy/oak, chicken pox, eczema, psoriasis, diaper rash and other skin infections. Baking soda can relieve swelling, itchiness and skin irritation that come with these conditions.

A bath with baking soda can even relieve a UTI and yeast infection. In fact, a 2014 study showed that baking soda killed candida cells which leads to yeast infections.

Baking soda is also anti-fungal.

Essential Oils and Epsom Salt Baths:

Let’s talk about adding essential oils to our salt bath! You can add pure essential oils to the salts to boost the efficacy of whatever health concerns you are aiming at.

  • Lavender oil-relaxation
  • Peppermint oil-sore achy muscles and joints
  • Eucalyptus oil-congestion and cold symptoms
  • Citrus oils-strengthen capillaries, tighten skin and reduce water retention in cells. They increase circulation and prevent lymph accumulation.
  • Juniper and rosemary oils-increase circulation and decongests sluggish and under active tissues.
  • Grapefruit oil-reduces water retention and may help reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Essential oils are a great addition to all detox baths. My absolute go-to is lavender essential oil because of it’s amazing scent as well as it’s calm! Lavender makes one relaxing bath!

Now, enough with the facts-let’s figure out how to put this easy detox into action!

Cup of Epsom Salt, essential oils, baking soda and wooden spoon with pink Himalayan salt.

DIY Detox Bath Soak Recipe:

Instead of making 1 detox bath at a time, I like to keep a large glass jar or mason jar and fill it mostly with epsom salt and add some pink himalayan salt and baking soda. I typically add my essential oil into the water after I’m in the bath but you can drop the appropriate amount of essential oils into the salt if you’d like. Make sure whatever you store your bath salts in is an airtight container.

Salt Bath Tips:

  • Many people sweat profusely during a salt bath. I’ve found that keeping a cold wash cloth close to place on your forehead helps immensely.
  • Your body will be working hard so when your soak is done, take great care when getting out of the tub. You very likely will feel tired. I take my baths right before bed so I can hop right into bed after my bath!
  • You might want to bring a glass of cold water (add some lemon for further detox) to drink while in the tub. 

While we’re on the subject of baths, you might be interested in trying my foot soak recipe as well as my homemade bath bombs.

The moral of this post is that not all health remedies are expensive and/or physically and mentally challenging. Incorporating bath soaks into your routine a few times a week could make all the difference. Not to mention a warm bath enhanced with minerals and essential oils can go a long way when it comes to unwinding after a stressful day!

xx, Jenni



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Jennifer Phillips

Jennifer Phillips

Jennifer Phillips worked as a licensed aesthetician for over 8 years before creating the green beauty blog, Jenni Raincloud and her natural skin care line, J. Raincloud Organics. Jennifer has been blogging full time for 9 years and loves to gain and share knowledge on how to achieve beautiful skin the natural way.

49 thoughts on “How to Make the Best Epsom Salt Bath for Detox and Healing”

  1. I knew about epsom salt and magnesium deficiency. Having fibromyalgia it’s usually my fist go to, though I do foot baths. Going to look into the pink salt. It really interest me as I have the type of Rosacea the increases the nose and deforms the face. I’ve read epsom sakt can help but the pink Himalayan salt sounds like it might work a bit better for Rosacea and help when I do my foot baths. Thanks!

    1. I have suffered from deforming, painful Rosacea since college. Recently I learned that I was allergic to night shade plants (chocolate, tomatoes, potatoes, chilis…) once these were eliminated from my diet my face began to clear up immediately and the painful breakouts stopped. I have been binge-ing on potato products this week and the breakouts returned along with joint pain. Looking forward to a detox and salt soak!

  2. Pingback: Stretch Mark Serum Recipe | Primally Inspired

  3. Pingback: Cellulite Smoothing Body Cream Recipe | Primally Inspired

  4. Can you tell me what research you found on the benefits of taking baths with salts. I am curious about it because my wife is doing a detox and I am trying to convince her that Epsom Salt or Sea Salts would help. She doesn’t think that they work (she is in the medical field and believes in what can be proven scientifically). Can you point me in the right direction.


      1. Cute, Joan, but I’ve used Epsom salts in baths for some time and believe the baths effective in relieving stress, among other benefits. I shall be incorporating some Himalayan salts this week. So, placebo it isn’t.

    1. Phyllis-Are you having a reaction to a salt bath? Or just having a rash? Coconut oil is always a great idea-it is anti fungal and healing. You could add lavender as well for added soothing. Peppermint essential oil helps with itch relief too. Good luck!

  5. Some people have problems bathing with Epsom salts (a reaction to the sulfate). Another option is magnesium chloride flakes. Not as cheap as Epsom, but probably not as cost prohibitive as Himalayan. 🙂

  6. You pour the entire recipe above in a bath at once? it seems like a lot. I was going to give this as a gift and wanted to put instructions on the tag. Do I tell them to use the entire jar?


  7. thank you for posting..
    I love to add salts to my shower.. I put the plug in.. throw in salts & so even if I have no time for a bath.. I am getting some salt benefits.
    Being in a cold , dry climate . wondering if I should shower off after a long soak bath.. ?
    I do , but wondering if others think it’s necessary ?

    Might be a good time to do the Coconut Oil pulling .. 20 min also . 🙂
    thanks again

  8. Going on a strict vegan lifestyle has improved the appearance of my cellulite a lot. Although I ate sea food before becoming vegan. Also, my life style has changed from having pizza face acne to clear skin. But yay, the bath salts with essential oil had made my skin look better thus far.

    1. Elise-that’s interesting-It is so much of the food we eat. I’m learning daily about which foods effect my body in a negative way. I haven’t gone vegan but that could be coming. Thanks for sharing.

  9. I just purchased pink himalayan salt and used in a salt bath. After draining the tub i was left with reddish pink staining in my tub. Is this normal or did i receive an altered product?

    1. Tammy-That’s not normal I don’t think. I mix my Pink Himalayan Salt with epsom salt to save money so I haven’t had this issue but I don’t think this is normal. Could anyone else weigh in on this?

  10. It was such a wonderful article dear and from my side I want to say that i am using minerals rich dead sea from long and its really effective. SheaMoisture’s Coconut & Hibiscus Dead Sea Salt Muscle Relief Mineral Soak is formulated using natural ingredients like Coconut, hibiscus and aromatic extracts of plants.

  11. Hi!! Would you mind if I linked this blog on my Etsy shop? I am considering adding bath products to my repotoire be I feel like this is a great resource!!

  12. The link for the Himalayan salt that you posted is for fine salt. I have been wanting to make bath salts, and had the idea that one would use coarser salt for this. But maybe coarse salt takes longer to dissolve in the water.
    What is your reasoning for choosing the fine Himalayan salt?

  13. You guys do know that there is a $6.00 bag of Dr. Teal’s Pink Himalayan Mineral Soak with Pure Epsom Salt & essential oils at your local convenience store. I got one at Kroger. It’s literally Epsom salt and pink Himalayan salt mixed together for a low price of $6.00.

  14. Thank you for the article. I use Epsom salts in my baths every day and I think I’ll add some Dead Sea or Himalayan to extend the mineral profile.

    One thing you said does worry me though: “Be sure to bring a large amount of cold water (add some lemon oil for further detox) to drink while in the tub.”

    I hope you are not using undiluted essential oil of lemon in your drinking water. Ingestion of any pure essential oil is risky, and lemon is so corrosive I would never ingest it – its therapeutic uses are in very low concentration for external use and as a cleaning/antiseptic agent.

    1. Using 100% pure, therapeutic grade essential oils are fine to ingest — but I would ONLY use Young Living Essential Oils if ingesting. I would never trust any other essential oil company! I ingest many of YL’s oils and know many others who do more often than I do. YL lemon oil is from the rind of the lemon, not the inside of the lemon.

  15. Pingback: 8 – Cellulite House SHOP

  16. Nice article. Well I didn’t know about using Himalayan salt for skin, though I have been using edible Himalayan salt in cooking for quite a long time now. This salt is really amazing and I am definitely going to try this for my skin as well. Recently I have also bought Himalayan salt lamps from ittefaqco. These lamps are also very good just like the edible salt.

  17. Pingback: 5 Amazing Health Benefits Associated With Himalayan Pink Salt – Awareness Act

  18. Love these posts. I use both salts for years now. They work also on soothing bug bites while soaking. It’s almost that time of the year. Add baking sofa and vinegar and see what happens to your skin. Zija has certified edible essential oil products. I use them all the time, in teas, water combos. I love grapefruit or lime in my water glass. The aroma and taste are so relaxing to me. Changed my mood instantly.
    Zija. ID #4894213

  19. Thank you for every other great post. The place
    else could anybody get that type of info in such an ideal
    way of writing? I’ve a presentation subsequent week, and I’m on the search
    for such information.

  20. Hi, thanks for sharing this post.

    Your recipe calls for pink Himalayan or sea salt. Can I use both pink Himalayan AND sea salt?
    So there will be 3 types of salt – Epsom, Himalayan and sea salt.


  21. Hi,
    I had a weird reaction when taking an Epsom salt bath. I put my head in the water and noted even though I washed my hair with shampoo, I just couldn’t seem to get rid of all the gunk out of my hair. It was very oily and had to wash it several times before it felt clean. Could I be getting toxins out of my head this way?
    Sure would love a reply on if this is also good for your head.


    1. Joyce-That is so weird! Epsom salt should degrease your hair and scalp. In fact, it’s excellent for that. As long as it was pure epsom salt with nothing added to it, I would suspect that maybe you were experiencing a detox. However, I’ve never heard of that happening. Thanks for sharing!

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