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New Year's Eve MakeupSince tomorrow is New Year’s Eve, I thought a little, easy makeup tutorial was in store in case you’ve got something special planned!  I love this look.  It’s super easy and really different.  It’s not really something I would wear on a day to day basis but for a special party, I would for sure.   Bare with me on the pics, I got a new camera flash and it’s going to take some trouble shooting to figure it out!  I’m pretty sure I look like a good candidate for Twilight Part 10.  However, this tutorial was inspired more by the new movie, IntoThe Woods-so can’t wait to see it!!  Have you all??

All you need are a couple shades of gray shadow and a teal/blue/green shadow.  I used CoverGirl’s Mirror Mirror pallet.  Now, CoverGirl is not a natural line, but I love these colors and it’s not something I would wear daily or even weekly, so I went for it.

This technique is similar to THIS tutorial if you need more instruction.

Winter Makeup TutorialI have to say, this look looks even better with brown eyes.  For the cheeks, I used a baby pink to give that “I’ve been out in the cold and my cheeks are perfectly rosy” look.  For my lips, I used a subtle pink lipstick with a bit of lip gloss over it.  I’ve linked all that I used below.

Leave me a comment if you need more clarification on this tutorial.  I love coming up with new makeup looks and would like to continue these tutorials-any advice on how I can clarify my techniques would be appreciated!!

This really is such an easy look.  The key is not getting the grays perfect on the lid, but getting that streak of color under the bottom lashes.  That being said-Don’t forget to BLEND, BLEND, BLEND that medium gray shadow!!   Also, note that I skipped mascara on the lower lashes in order to make the green shadow really pop!

I hope everyone has a super fun New Year’s Eve night but please be SAFE!

xx, Jenni

P.S. Don’t forget THIS nail tutorial to complete the look!

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Jennifer Phillips

Jennifer Phillips

Jennifer Phillips worked as a licensed aesthetician for over 8 years before creating the green beauty blog, Jenni Raincloud and her natural skin care line, J. Raincloud Organics. Jennifer has been blogging full time for 9 years and loves to gain and share knowledge on how to achieve beautiful skin the natural way.

3 thoughts on “New Year’s Eve Makeup Tutorial”

  1. I for one LOVE the makeup tutorials. The one for hooded eyes was really helpful,and the benefit highlighter pencil is now a staple in my makeup bag. Never would have tried that if it were not for your recommendation! I keep my makeup very simple for every day, but like to try new techniques from time to time.

    Speaking of benefit, have you tried their “they’re real” mascara? And do you know how “natural” it is?

    Thanks for all you do!

    1. Elizabeth, Thanks so much! I love doing them and learning more about makeup!
      Benefit is not a natural line unfortunately! I haven’t tried that mascara but it is probably one of the most highly esteemed mascaras. I use all tarte mascara and really love all of them. I’m about to do a post on their mascaras.

      1. Great…I’ll look forward to your Tarte mascara post. I have been alternating between a maybeline mascara that I know is full of junk but works great, and the 100% pure mascara. So far I am loving it, but it’s mot waterproof like the Matbelline

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