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Necklaces with Meaning…. The Perfect Christmas Gift.

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dogeared jewelry

Since Christmas is sneaking up on us I thought it was time for a little gift post!  I’ve been searching for gifts as I’m sure you all have too.  So far I think I’ve bought the majority of mine on Shutterfly but I’m always keeping an eye out for meaningful gifts for the important women in my life.  I think I’ve stumbled upon some of the loveliest necklaces with loads of soul and meaning.  I just had to share.  I think they are very reasonably priced from $40-$80 and get great reviews.  They are also from Nordstrom and if you’ve never ordered from them, let me tell you-their customer service is above and beyond and they have FAST, free shipping and free returns no matter what the cost of your order is.  Plus, you can trust the majority of what they carry is a higher quality.

Most of these necklaces come in gold and silver and also some come in a variety of lengths.  I think THIS one is my favorite!  Oh and THIS tiny elephant is too cute!

I believe it is so important to lift other women up.  So many women seem to tear other’s down and some are just indifferent about going the extra mile but I’m here to tell you-You never know what a kind word of encouragement or a compliment can do for someone.  I try to live by the rule-If you think it and it’s positive, then say it!  Life beats us down sometime and where would we be without support from other women?

Dogeared Jewelry dogeared Collage dogearred 1 CollageI just love these necklaces.  You can say so much to someone with one of these.  To let them know you understand where they’re at in this season of their life is powerful.  Bloomingdales had a different selection of these necklaces so check there too.  I especially love THIS one.

I hope this might help give you some options for gifts for your special friends and family.  I just thought they were lovely necklaces not to mention unique and so thoughtful!  I’m all about jewelry with a message!  Happy Christmas shopping!

xx, Jenni



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Jennifer Phillips

Jennifer Phillips

Jennifer Phillips worked as a licensed aesthetician for over 8 years before creating the green beauty blog, Jenni Raincloud and her natural skin care line, J. Raincloud Organics. Jennifer has been blogging full time for 9 years and loves to gain and share knowledge on how to achieve beautiful skin the natural way.

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